A Child With Needs

Potty Training

Potty Training seems like a milestone in the child’s development. We are currently starting the process in our home. Thankfully so far it is mostly toddler lead through his interest, but I can imagine having the non-interested kid. Our child is stubborn (something he inherits from both his father and mother), so if push came to shove it could be quite a battle.

Here are some fast facts about potty training:

There are so many options out there when it comes to potty training, from rewards, to underwear/pull ups, to the potties they sit on. The key is what works for you, your child, and your family. All the fancy gizmos aren’t truly necessary, so choose what you can afford and what you want for your child’s potty training experience. A positive attitude and patience are the keys to success.

I’d love to hear what works or didn’t work from you.



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