A Child With Needs

Peer Mediation: How It Helps

Peer mediation can help to resolve an issue constructively with others while also being a tool for a preventative measure for anger management. It is used when trained students lead one another through problems to resolutions. Here are some steps for effective peer mediation:

    1. Agree on ground rules
    2. Each individual gets to tell their side/version of the story
    3. Verify stories
    4. Discuss stories
    5. Generate possible solutions
    6. Discuss solutions
    7. Select a solution
    8. Sign a contract

Things to think about if it is working correctly in order to evaluate the process:

Peer mediation is a simple process in order to help students help themselves and become more accountable. It is used as a tool in preparing them for adulthood. It is also wisely used at a time when they are more likely to listen to their peers and less interested in what an adult has to say. It is important that they are always supervised however as ultimately they are still children.

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