Finding Success in Writing with Learning Disabilities

Students with learning disabilities are often challenged throughout the language arts, so it should be no surprise that written language can be challenging for them. The following ideas are strategies that can be used to simplify learning to write so that a child with learning disabilities can find success:

Strategies that can be used to simplify learning for children with disabilities

  • Break writing down into three main concept: Basic mechanics (including handwriting, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation), Content (vocabulary, organization, quality, clarity), and higher-level writing (revision process and planning).
  • Students need to learn basic rules such as correct letter formation and capitalizing proper nouns.
  • Practicing is an essential element of making a successful writer.
  • Focus on learning tasks only a couple at a time. Students with learning disabilities may have problem with spacing letters or spelling focus on these before moving onto more complex things.
  • Remember that writing takes a lot of coordination and various mental and physical processes, because of this, students may need to learn at a slower pace.
  • If a particular child appears to need extra help, find resource teachers, aides, therapists, or family that will work with the child. The sooner the child gets help the more successful and main streamed they can be later on.
  • Creative writing, like in journaling, can be a simple measure to increase the students practice without focusing on content.
  • Children can practice proofreading focusing on one specific item like punctuation or spelling. This can help the child to recognize problems and become more self-sufficient at writing.

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