My Child has Developmental Disabilities, What can I do to be proactive in their life?
Just because your child has a developmental disability does not mean that you won’t be able to connect with them. In truth, they will need you more to help advocate for them, help them reach their goals, and to navigate through daily routines. Get involved in their routines. If they are already in therapies, take part in them and practice throughout the week with your child. If your child does not yet receive any services, do research on what your child specifically needs help with to overcome their developmental disability. Libraries and the internet are full of great ideas. There are also often support groups within the community for all kinds of developmental disabilities. It can often be helpful to hear other parents’ suggestions.
Here is a list of specific resources you might need to help your child reach their full potential:
- Library
- Support Group
- Developmental Pediatrician
- Therapies
- Internet
- Other Doctors
- Medical Supply facility
- Your local schools
Don’t worry you can do this. Just take one step at a time and know that each child is different.